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Diversity Students

Evidence Based Practices


What is an Evidence-Based Practice?

The term “evidence-based practices” refers to specific types of behavioral health therapy that have been shown in research settings to be more effective in reducing specific mental illnesses and substance use disorders over traditional approaches to therapy.


Weber Human Services has advanced the use of these research-based treatments throughout the agency, ensuring that clients have access to the most effective treatments available. 


Our efforts to deliver evidence-based treatments have resulted in a significant increase in the number of people improving and recovering from their presenting behavioral health symptoms.  The graph shown here, demonstrates the outcome improvements for more than 31,000 clients served in Utah during a 4-year period.  Clients at WHS are 23% more likely to recover from their mental illness over the state-wide average.



 8:00 AM TO 5:00 PM   Monday - Friday

Other Phone Numbers:

237 26th Street
Ogden, UT 84401

Senior/Aging Services: 801-625-3770
Northern Utah Autism Program: 801-737-7375
WHS Billing Office: 801-625-3609
WHS Records Office: 801-625-3831

WHS Records Fax: 801-778-6803
UA Lab: 801-778-6820

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Information on this website is available in paper form for free. Please call 801-625-3700 to request a paper copy. We will get that in the mail to you within 5 days. To request ADA accommodations please call 801-625-3700 or email us using the “Contact Us” button above.

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