Beginning April 1, 2019, individuals may submit their applications to the Department of Workforce Services (DWS) to enroll in Medicaid expansion. Submitting an application for benefits does not guarantee coverage.
This new law expands Medicaid to parents and adults without dependent children earning up to 100% federal poverty level (approximately $12,490 annual income for an individual). Approximately 70,000 – 90,000 Utah residents will become newly eligible for Medicaid. Approximately 40,000 individuals from 101-138% FPL will continue to receive services through the federal Marketplace.
Weber Human Services would like to welcome all new Medicaid recipients to choose WHS as your mental health or substance use services provider. We are conveniently located to serve you and offer a variety of wrap around services and supports not available in most outpatient settings.
237 26th Street
Ogden, UT 84401
(801) 625-3700
(Daytime Number)
(24 Hour Crisis Line)